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I spent many hours ferrying my children to various music lessons and band practices when they were young. One day while watching them perform a Christmas concert I saw there were adults in the band, Sudden epiphany ! I want to do that! So ,in my mid forties I chose to learn alto sax as it seemed to be the coolest of instruments . I found a teacher, rented a sax and a year later I was playing - badly- in the Christmas concert.
I have found learning the sax a real lesson in life. I learnt piano as a child from a very uninspiring teacher and assumed I was “unmusical”.
Now having been taught by various inspiring teachers and discovering that if you practice you get better, I am sure we can all be musical.
I heard about ASO from a friend and ,having family and friends in Aberdeen decided it would be worth the drive from Glasgow once a month.
Good decision! I have met lots of lovely people and am constantly learning from our talented musical directors. And best of all we make great music together.

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