The really exciting news this month is that the National Lottery Community Fund ‘Awards for All’ has awarded us a grant of £7,000. We applied for this grant to bridge the gap between our income and outgoings for the coming year. At the end of the year we should be in a healthy financial position and able to self-fund from then on, except for special projects which we will still be hoping to undertake and for which we may be seeking grant funding. This is excellent news and really removes the day to day anxieties so that we can concentrate on music making.
This month we tried out yet another new hall. This time it was the playgroup room at the back of St Andrews Church in Inverurie and a lovely sunny day made it particularly attractive.

New recruits this time
Ailidh making a second appearance, Gill from Aberdeen Concert band, Janet from Perthshire, recruited from a wind workshop on Skye, another Gill braving playing in public for the first time, Lisa who used to be in the orchestra as a child, Kristian our second youngest and Sheila all the way from Glasgow!We’re certainly recruiting from the length and breadth of Scotland!

Other innovations today were that Emily and Ben had a go at conducting and Zoë had prepared a lovely arrangement (much easier than Bohemian Rhapsody) of Road to Hell which she also conducted.
Copies of the Knock News magazine were distributed with extra copies for everyone’s tutors/teachers.