We had a wonderful turnout today from both Ugie Voices Choir and the Sax Orchestra.
There were a couple of Covid absences but we’ve been very lucky ( and careful ) so far.
We had our first chance to hear the movement called ‘To My Flute’ which features choir and solo
Bass sax. One of our composer Ben Lunn’s jokes, but very effective.

The composition is based on original poetry by the 19th
century local poet William Thom.
We listened to Gordon Hay, one of the choir, reciting ‘The
Mitherless Bairn’.
It sounded amazing but since it was read in the original
Doric (the language of this part of Scotland) many of the
orchestra who are not Doric speakers were none the
This was our last full rehearsal with Richard before we
record this all on 19th February and it is coming together
very well now.
Both groups have found it a bit strange practicing individually for something that needs the rest of the parts for the full effect but we are getting there.
