We had a break in December in case people’s focus was more on Christmas preparations than on rehearsing so it’s been a while since we last met up.Our old rehearsal space at the Inverurie Academy is being demolished so we need to find somewhere else suitable by March.For this rehearsal we started trying out new venues and the one we tried this month was the West Church Hall at the back of the Acorn Centre. This hall was excellent in many respects but the acoustic was difficult so we are still looking for a new home.One of ASO’s aims is to make playing in an orchestra available to youngsters as early as possible.
To make this possible, Richard has been preparing simplified parts of many of our pieces as it is impossible for beginners to take part otherwise.An extra benefit of this has been that a number of adults changing from other instruments to the saxophone have also found these parts useful.
New recruits this time.
Erik changing from clarinet to saxophone and Peter who is normally a flautist.

Ailidh a returning sax player and Tim who was new last month but hiding at the back when the photos were taken.
