And yet another MD!
ASO are so lucky that we’ve been able to find
excellent replacements for our recently retired MD
Richard Ingham. We didn’t necessarily need two to
make up for one, but in Cat Evison and Mike Brogan
we have struck gold.
We’ve had a couple of lovely rehearsals with Cat, and
last Sunday it was Mike’s turn.

It was an excellent session.
Mike and Cat have their own individual styles of
direction but they are working together as a team so
that we get a consistent experience.
They have been friends since college days at Guildhall and The National
Saxophone Choir and are delighted to be working together again.
We are equally delighted to be the recipients of this partnership.
Like Richard before them, they are both performing saxophonists as
well as being University Educators and their direction is full of
invaluable sax-specific playing tips.
Not content with one new thing at this rehearsal, we were
experimenting with zooming part of the day to members of Phoenix
Saxophone Orchestra, our friends in Market Harborough.
Phoenix are intending to come up to visit us in June 2023 for a joint
concert and mini tour.
The piece that we chose to rehearse together like this is The Hebrides
Overture (Fingal’s Cave) which is quite a challenging piece and newly
arranged especially for Saxophone Orchestra by our friend at
Blow&Blast, Trona Melville-Mason.
Another innovation is that these sessions are being recorded and
posted to our private YouTube channel for those who couldn’t attend or those who live too far
away to travel regularly to rehearsals. These recordings will also be available for all members to
use for revision.