The whole month was a Sax-Fest for some of us.
10th-12th was the annual saxophone weekend at The Burn. This weekend was run by Cat and Mike (pictured below) who are our two new music directors-in-waiting.

ASO members here were 4 current 1 previous and 1 potential.
The next weekend was our first rehearsal after the summer break and we saw Cat yet again as she was deputising for Richard.

This was swiftly followed from 23rd-26th by Gartmore which is another sax weekend. This one is usually held at Easter but had to be rescheduled because of Covid and was run by Richard and the, by now, ubiquitous Cat!

October was pretty busy too. Richard was back on 10th and we had a joint rehearsal with Ugie Voices of Ben’s Rhymes and Recollections.
The following weekend, as a bit of light relief, Foss and Janet went up to Skye for the Blow and Blast weekend. ( a great name for a wind workshop!)
